Submitted by Jonathan Beach on
I have finally completed my work on re-implementing one of my client sites using Drupal and I am waiting for final approval to roll out the new implementation. This has given me some time to turn my attention back to this site and learning the ins and outs of Drupal Views.
First off, I have replaced the front page of the site with a new view based on the default front page view provided in the Views package. This one use a header to keep my welcome message visible at all times and adds Ajax paging when I have more news stories than allowed on the front page.
Additionally, in working with my client's site, I have found some older modules that add some minor but useful features to the site. One improves the use of the breadcrumb trail at the top of each page based on my menus. The other can give me a human readable site map (as opposed to a Google site map), again, based on my menus.
Unlike my client site, I'm keeping this site close to the bleeding edge. I know some things are acting funny in Internet Explorer version 6, but with IE 8 on the way, there's got to be a limit on backward compatibility. I've tested this site in IE 7, Firefox 2, Opera 9 and Google Chrome, and everything seems to work fine in those browsers (except for some internals issues that give fits to Chrome, Safari and other webkit browsers.)