Slow Progress - part 2

I have finally pushed through and migrated the content from the old Drupal 6 based web site to this new Drupal 7 based site. I had hoped to start out using the default Corolla theme, but there is some issue that prevents it from displaying fields properly when I am editing a node, so I have switched over to using a custom version (via Footheme) that seems not to have the problem.


This site has been sitting unused since it was originally set up. However, that will change now as I use it to migrate the important content from the sister site,, into a Drupal version 7 site.

In Memoriam

I am not in the habit of looking backward, so I have not made any changes to the first web site I ever created for over 10 years. True, I have moved it from host to host as I have changed internet service providers over the years, but I have not really altered the content in any way.

Still Alive

It's been over a year since I have done anything with this site. (Ok, that's not strictly true: I did silently implement some Suckerfish style tabs and uploaded a render of a minotaur player character).

Hopefully, that will change soon. 

There are a lot of new toys to play with and test in Drupal and I hope to create a better theme for one of the client sites that I maintain. That will of course result in some testing on this site. I also want to try blogging some more.

Slow Progress

I still have not had much opportunity to add content to this site. Between the loss of my laptop and being constantly on the go, I have not been able to get much done.

I have tweaked the functionality of the site as more modules for Drupal finally become available and ready for Drupal 6. And I did a some content in the form of a picture of a Japanese Calligraphy project I did over the holidays.


It's been a while since I have updated this site. However, I have not been idle during this time: I have continued to work with a client site and been working in the background on this site.

I have been keeping the modules updated for this site and discover some new modules to extend the functionality of the underlying framework of the site. Additionally, I have implemented a test site utilizing Drupal's built-in multisite capabilities.


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